Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thoughts, and updates.

Been along time since I have blogged about anything. Not that I am all to serious about it to begin with. I don't have a lot of time to devote to such things anymore. With a wife and two demanding children it's not always on the top of my do-to list. 
Having said that, I just noticed that my blog on was taken down.
Although (for me at least) was a pay service. Others can have their site hosted there for free. While it is a bit upsetting to see my work was taken down, I can't really complain as I didn't actually re-new my membership with them. 
I just got caught up (as many do) in life and of course forgot about doing it.
I guess I could have gotten a "real website" or whatever, but the free ones have always filled my needs. Plus why pay of it, when I can let google or some other site host if for me for free, in return for some silly adverts which I block any way?

I have been messing around in the world of Tea and learning all about Gong-Fu Cha.  As such I have amassed some photos of my teas, and experiences, that I may share here as well, Or I might even dedicate tea to it's own blog. Not sure yet though.  
I have also been thinking about doing some more tutorials on BackTrack. Of course I would need to revive my testing labs and actually update some things. 
So if anyone actually reads this then feel free to let me know what you would like to see a tutorial on. 


OliverK said...

Would love to hear more about tea :D

OliverK said...

Tea would be cool.

Also, I read the post.

Unknown said...

Well, we shall have to see.

fl3xu5 said...

Kali Lnux basic tutorials :)

mister said...

I would personally like to see how you would set up a server for use with bruteforcing applications etc in Kali. Something designed for cracking #'s and doing it fast!

mister said...

I would personally like to see how you would set up a server for use with bruteforcing applications etc in Kali. Something designed for cracking #'s and doing it fast!